➢ 受教育经历
2000/09 – 2004/06, 中国矿业大学,建筑环境与设备工程,工学学士。
2004/09 – 2007/06, 中国矿业大学,工程管理,管理学硕士。
2007/09 – 2014/05, 东南大学,管理科学与工程,管理学博士。
2010/05 – 2011/01, 新加坡国立大学,建筑与环境系,联培博士。
➢ 研究工作经历
2014/08 – 至今, 999策略手机论坛,999全讯白菜网工程管理系,讲师。
2016/10 – 2019/10, 陆******程大学,防灾减灾国家重点实验室,博士后。
2018/05 – 2019/04, 新加坡国立大学,建筑与环境系,访问学者。
➢ 代表性科研项目
项目名称、编号 |
项目来源 |
起止年月 |
负责内容 |
安全氛围理论视角下隧道工人安全感知与安全行为间的动态关系研究(71601095) |
国家自然科学基金青年项目 |
2017.01-2019.12 |
主持 |
新型城镇化导向下的城市地下物流系统集成与管理研究(71631007) |
国家自然科学基金重点项目 |
2017.01-2021.12 |
子课题负责人 |
深长隧道突水突泥灾害动态风险评估及预警理论(2013CB036005) |
“973”计划项目 |
2013.01-2017.12 |
学术骨干 |
➢ 代表性论文论著
[1] Hu, W., Dong, J.*, Hwang, B., Ren, R., & Chen, Z. (2020). A preliminary prototyping approach for emerging metro-based underground logistics systems: operation mechanism and facility layout. International Journal of Production Research, 1–21. (SCI)
[2] Hu, W., Dong, J.*, Hwang, B., Ren, R., & Chen, Z. (2020). Hybrid optimization procedures applying for two-echelon urban underground logistics network planning: A case study of Beijing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 144, 106452. (SCI)
[3] Hu, W., Dong, J.*, Hwang, B. G., Ren, R., & Chen, Z. (2020). Network Planning of Urban Underground Logistics System with Hub-and-Spoke Layout: Two Phase Cluster-based Approach. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management. (SCI)
[4] Hu, W., Dong, J.*, Hwang, B. G., Ren, R., Chen, Y., & Chen, Z. (2020). Using system dynamics to analyze the development of urban freight transportation system based on rail transit: A case study of Beijing. Sustainable Cities and Society, 53, 101923. (SSCI/SCI)
[5] Rui Ren, Wanjie Hu*, Jianjun Dong*, Bo Sun, Yicun Chen and Zhilong Chen. (2020). A Systematic Literature Review of Green and Sustainable Logistics: Bibliometric Analysis, Research Trend and Knowledge Taxonomy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 261. (SCI)
[6] Chen, Y., Dong, J.*, Chen, Z., Zhao, X., & Shang, P. (2019). Optimal carbon emissions in an integrated network of roads and UFTS under the finite construction resources. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 94, 103108. (SCI)
[7] Wanjie Hu, Jianjun Dong*, Bon-gang Hwang, Rui Ren & Zhilong Chen. (2019). A Scientometrics Review on City Logistics Literature: Research Trends, Advanced Theory and Practice. Sustainability, vol. 11(10), pages 1-27, May. (SSCI/SCI)
[8] Dong, J.; Xu, Y.*; Hwang, B.-G.; Ren, R.; Chen, Z. (2019). The Impact of Underground Logistics System on Urban Sustainable Development: A System Dynamics Approach, Sustainability, 11(5), 1223. (SSCI/SCI)
[9] Dong, J., Hu, W.*, Yan, S., Ren, R., and Zhao, X. (2018). Network Planning Method for Capacitated Metro-Based Underground Logistics System, Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018.1, 1-14; (SCI)
[10] Chen Z., Dong J.*, Ren R., Urban Underground Logistics System in China: Opportunities or Challenges? Underground Space, 2017, 2(3); (SCI)
[11] 杨涛,董建军*,郭宗逵. 基于系统动力学的地下物流系统对城市发展影响研究. 地下空间与工程学报[J], 2020. (1): 1-6 &34.
[12] 董建军. 构建地下物流系统网络—2017年全国研究生数学建模竞赛F题综述,数学的实践与认识[J],2018. 48 (15): 342-328.
[13] 董建军*,陈光,陆彦,成虎. 工程项目全寿命周期费用结构体系研究,土木工程学报[J],2010. 43 (2): 138-142.(EI)
[14] 潘欣维,董建军*,付光辉,章冠弘. 基于ANP-TOPSIS的地下物流系统可行性综合评价方法[J]. 地下空间与工程学报,2019. 15(3):684-690.
[15] ]蔡秋晨,董建军*,孙剑. 隧道工人安全感知对安全行为的影响机理[J]. 土木工程与管理学报,2019. 36(01):181-187.
[16] 蔡秋晨,董建军*,孙剑. 隧道工程安全氛围的形成过程与动态发展分析,建筑经济,2018. 39(10): 74-77.
➢ 主要研究方向
➢ 招生专业
➢ 联系方式
Email: dongjj@njtech.edu.cn