(1) 2014.09 至 2020.07, 同济大学, 土木工程, 博士
(2) 2017.12 至 2019.10, University of Exeter (UK), Vibration Engineering Section, Joint PhD student
(3) 2010.09 至 2014.06, 同济大学, 土木工程, 学士
(1) 2022.02 至 今, 999策略手机论坛, 999全讯白菜网 智能建造与管理系, 校聘副教授
(2) 2020.10 至 2021.06, University of Exeter (UK), Vibration Engineering Section, Post-Doc research assistant
(1) Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement, Construction technology research project, 19SCIP-C151408-01, Development of technology for response of slope investigation, inspection and reinforcement facility deterioration, 2019.04 至 2021.12, 参与
(2) 科技部重点研发计划国际合作项目, 2016YFE0105600, 多重灾害下密集高层建筑群绿色能源开发及安全解决方案, 2016.12 至 2019.09, 参与
(3) 上海市科委, 上海市国际合作项目, 16510711300, 基于物联网技术的风电基础设施智能防灾研究, 2016.07 至 2019.06, 参与
[1] Ying, Wang; and Ki-Young Koo. Vegetation Removal on 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction of Cut-Slopes Using U-Net. Applied Sciences, 2021, 12(1): 395. (SCI)
[2] Jimenez Capilla, Jose A., Ying Wang, and James Mark William Brownjohn. Damping estimation using free decays response in short telecom structures. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2022, 25(1): 212-228. (SCI)
[3] Ying, Wang; James Brownjohn; Jose Alfonso Jiménez Capilla; Kaoshan Dai; Wensheng Lu; and Ki Young Koo. Vibration investigation for telecom structures with smartphone camera: case studies. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2021, 11(3): 757-766. (SCI)
[4] Ying, Wang; Kaoshan Dai; Yongfeng Xu; Weidong Zhu; Wensheng Lu; Yuanfeng Shi; Zhu Mei; Songtao Xue; and Karen Faulkner. Field testing of wind turbine towers with contact and noncontact vibration measurement methods. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2020, 34(1): 04019094. (SCI)
[5] Ying, Wang; James Brownjohn; Kaoshan Dai; and Mubarak Patel. An estimation of pedestrian action on footbridges using computer vision approaches. Frontiers in Built Environment, 2019, 133.
[6] Ying, Wang; Wensheng Lu; Kaoshan Dai; Miaomiao Yuan; and Shen-En Chen. Dynamic study of a rooftop vertical axis wind turbine tower based on an automated vibration data processing algorithm. Energies, 2018, 11(11): 3135. (SCI)
[7] Dai, Kaoshan; Ying, Wang; Yichao Huang; Weidong Zhu; and Yongfeng Xu. Development of a modified stochastic subspace identification method for rapid structural assessment of in‐service utility‐scale wind turbine towers. Wind Energy, 2017, 20(10): 1687-1710. (SCI)