EXTREME-2015 International Colloquium on Engineering Structures for Extreme Loads


International Colloquium on Extreme Structural Engineering

w     Organized by:

Nanjing Tech University, China

University of California, Davis, U.S.A

w     Sponsorship:

National Natural Science Foundation of China

w     Congress venue:

Yi Fu Library of Nanjing Tech University,

No. 30 Puzhu South Road, Nanjing, China 211816

1st Floor Lecture Hall (Opening Ceremony) 8:30-12:00 Dec. 20th

5st Floor Lecture Hall (Main Venue) 13:50-18:00 Dec.20th; 8:30-12:00, 13:50-18:00 Dec.21st

w          Co-chairs:

Prof. Yan XIAO

Prof. Sashi KUNNATH

Dean, College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, China

National Thousand-Talent Expert Professor

Chang Jiang Scholar

Research Professor, University of Southern California, U.S.A.

Visiting Professor, College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, China

National Thousand-Talent Foreign Expert Professor

Professor, University of California, Davis, U.S.A



Invited Speakers

(To be finalized)

Title: Behavior of Long-span Bridges During Fire


Professor of Civil Engineering, City College of New York, U.S.A.

Chief Editor of ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. Chair of ASCE Committee on Bridge Inspection, Rehabilitation and Management. President of U.S. Panel of International Association of Structural Control and Monitoring. Past Chair of ASCE Committee on Structural Control and Sensing.

Title: Recent Progress in Understanding Load Resisting Mechanisms for Mitigating Progressive Collapse

Bing LI

Associate Professor of School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

  Working in the areas of anti-terrorist design and evaluation for government and commercial facilities, and research & development blast testing for explosive effects on conventional reinforced concrete structures and buildings. Has published more than 100 SCI technical papers, mainly related to seismic design of reinforced concrete structures and progressive collapse of building structures.

Title: Experimental and Numerical Study of CFDST Columns Filled With Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Close Range Blast Loading

Chengqing WU

Professor of Structural Engineering at the University of Technology, Australia.

  Editors of two conference proceedings, two ASCE special issues and one IJPS special issue, author or co-authors of more than 170 referred international journal papers and conference papers in blast and impact areas. Editorial board member of International Journal of Protective Structures and ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities.

Title: Response Spectra for Bridge Assessment Including Pounding

Giorgio MONTI

Full Professor at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

  One-Thousand Talent Foreign Experts in China. Associate Editor of the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. the coordinator since 2008 of Working Group 2.4: “Computer-Based Modelling and Design” of fib Commission 4 ‘Modelling of Structural Behavior and Design’. Visiting Professor at the University of California at Davis, USA and Hunan University.

Title: Experimental Investigation on the Progressive Collapse of Steel Frames Under a Column Removal Scenario

Guoqiang LI

Professor of Structural Engineering at the College of Civil Engineering in Tongji University, China.

  Director of Research Centro of Education Ministry of China for Steel Construction and the director of National Research Centro of China for Pre-fabrication Construction. vice-chairman of China Association of Construction Standardization.

Title: Recent Advances in Beam-Column Joint Design and Seismic Collapse Simulation on Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings



Professor of Department of Architectural Engineering of the University of Tokyo, Japan.

  Fellow of American Concrete Institute, member of American Society of Civil Engineer. Received J. James Croes Medal of ASCE for the paper "New Model for Shear Failure of RC Interior Beam-Column Connections," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, February 2001.


Title: Capacity of Composite Panel to Resist Windborne Debris Impact

Hong HAO

Professor of Structural Engineering, and director of Centre for Infrastructure Monitoring and Protection in Curtin University, Australia.

  Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Protective Structures, the past president of Australian Earthquake Engineering Society, deputy president of International Association of Protective Structures, Australian Rep in International Association of Earthquake Engineering, member of Structural Panel of Engineers Australia WA Division, and College of Experts in Australian Research Council.

Title: Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Various Collapse Modes under Extreme Loads



Taisei professor of Civil Engineering and the leader of the Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials program of University of California, U.S.A.

  Recipient of the 2006 ASCE Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize and the 2013 UCB Chancellor award for Public Services. CEE Vice-Chair for Research and Technical Services and will be the Director of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center.


Title: System Level Load Redistribution of Structures Under Extreme Events

Mehrdad SASANI


Associate Professor of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Northeastern University, U.S.A.

  Chair of American Concrete Institute committee 377: Performance-Based Structural Integrity & Resilience of Concrete Structures. Chair of Massachusetts Engineers and Architects Emergency Response (MEAER) committee.


Title: Responses of RC Structures under Blast and Fire



Chief professor of Civil engineering in PLA University of Science and Technology, China.

  Member of executive board of International Association of Protective Structures, has published two academic books and more than 300 journal and conference papers. The academic achievements have been widely applied in Chinese codes for protective structures and engineering applications.


Title: Modeling Challenges in Computational Simulation of Disproportional Collapse of RC Buildings


Visiting Professor of College of Civil Engineering at the Nanjing Tech University, China

  One-Thousand Talent Foreign Expert in China, Professor of Structural Engineering in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of California at Davis, U.S.A. Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE and member of several ACI and ASCE technical committees. Formerly Editor-in-Chief of the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering and chaired the ASCE Technical Administrative Committee on Dynamic Effects and the Committee on Seismic Effects.

Title: CFRP Cable Retrofit for Preventing RC Frame Collapse


Dean, Professor of College of Civil Engineering at the Nanjing Tech University, China

National One-Thousand Expert in China, Chang Jiang Scholar, Research Professor of Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Southern California, U.S. P.E. at California state, U.S. Fellow of American Concrete Institute (ACI); Fellow of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Editorial board member, Journal of Constructional Steel Research.

Title: Research on Extreme Loads and Materials/Structures under Extreme Loads

Thomas KANG

Associate Professor of Dept. of Architecture & Architectural Engineering at Seoul National University, Korea.

  Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, Taylor & Francis Group, and Advances in Computational Design, Techno-Press. Fellow of ACI and PTI (Post-Tensioning Institute). Received honorable awards including the Wason Medal for Most Meritorious Paper from ACI and Kenneth B. Bondy Award for the Most Meritorious Technical Paper from PTI.

Title: Progressive Collapse Analyses of RC Structures - Experiments, Simulation, Design & Evaluation

Xinzheng LU

Full Professor and the Head of the Institute of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Tsinghua University, China.

  Has published more than 200 papers in refereed journals, and 12 books. His publications have received more than 8000 citations, including more than 600 citations in Web of Science. One of his publications was listed by Essential Science Indicators as “Highly Cited Papers”. Eleven of his publications were listed as “Top 25 hottest articles” of Elsevier or “Most viewed papers” of ASCE.

Title: Challenges in Probabilistic Structural Design for Vapor Cloud Explosions

YeongAe HEO

Assistant Professor of Department of Civil Engineering at Case Western Reserve University, U.S.A.

  Received Ph.D from University of California at Davis. Recipient of the 2012 ASCE Norman Medal. She has identified critical issues in probabilistic explosion risk assessment, which is widely adopted in marine and offshore industries through research projects as project leader at the R&D center of Samsung Heavy Industries collaborating with major oil industries and research institutions such as Shell Corporation, and GexCon AS, Norway.

Title: Experimental Studies on Composite Bridge with Corrugated Steel Webs

Jiandong ZHANG

Professor of Nanjing Tech University, deputy chief engineer of JSTI Group.

He was awarded PhD (Structural Engineering, 1992) degrees from Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan. He worked for PS Mitsubishi Construction Group for nearly twenty years. Prof. Zhang’s research interests include composite bridge of steel-concrete, durability of concrete and maintenance management.

Title: Recoverability and Resiliency Enhancement of Structures with FRP Reinforcements


Zhishen WU

Professor and assistant principal of Southeast University, China.

National Thousand-Talent Expert Professor, Chang Jiang Scholar. Received National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars. One of the Most Cited Chinese Researchers in 2014 of China. Fellow of Institute for FRP in Construction, Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure and Japan Society of Civil Engineering, etc.

Title: Introduction to Application for National Natural Science Foundation Program

Jiping RU

Professor and director of the Fourth Department of Engineering and Material Science at the National Natural Science Foundation, China.

Title: Robustness of Steel and Composite Structures under Extreme Loads


Professor and head of the Structures Section at the Imperial College London, U.K.

Has produced over 200 publications in related areas and has contributed to Eurocode development activities. Fellow of the Institutions of Civil and Structural Engineers, and past Chairman of the Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics as well as UK National Delegate to the International and European Associations for Earthquake Engineering.

Title: Development and Application of Ship-bridge Collision Mechanism and Composite Fender System

Weiqing LIU

Vice president, Chief professor of Civil engineering at the Nanjing Tech University, China.

Executive member of Anti-Seismic System International Society, has published more than 300 journal papers and 6 books. Has carried out the vessel-bridge collision mechanism research and designed an innovative modular-type large-scale composite fender system that is patented and adopted in over 30 bridges in China, including Runyang Yangtze River Bridge, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, etc.

Title: Study on Impact-Resistant Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Weijian YI

Professor and past vise dean of Department of Civil Engineering at the Hunan University, China.

Research interests include performance-based seismic design and blast-resistant design of concrete structures, structural health monitoring engineering, and durability of concrete structures. Peer reviewers of ACI Structural Journal, Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE, Journal of Bridge Engineering ASCE, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities ASCE.

Title: To Be Confirmed

Xiuli DU

Vice president, Chief professor of Civil Engineering at the Beijing University of Technology, China.

  Chang Jiang Scholar. Received National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars. Selected for New Century Talents Project Has published more than 300 SCI and EI journal papers, obtained more than 20 patens. Received four awards “the second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award”.

Title: To Be Confirmed

Zhongxian LI

Professor of College of Civil Engineering at the Tianjin University, President of Tianjin Chengjian University, China.

Chang Jiang Scholar. Visiting professor of University of Cambridge, UK and University of Southern California, U.S.A. Received National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, selected for New Century Talents Project.


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